Vanessa Mira


Trainer profile

English/ Portuguese language Trainer / Live online trainer (LLION) / Logistics

Professional career

Vanessa Mira was born in Portugal and grew up in South Africa.
She has a degree in graphic design and a master's degree in visual arts teaching.
She used her bilingual ability and taught English and Portuguese at various schools in Portugal and subsequently completed the Cambridge CELTA.
She also made her linguistic skills and intercultural talent available to various companies and supported them with further education in the field of Business English.
In 2021, she supplemented her portfolio with additional training as a live online trainer (LLION) at Lobraco Akademie GmbH.
She has also expanded her logistics knowledge and conducts online training courses on logistics topics.
In addition, she is continuing her education in this area and is also completing a postgraduate course in TESOL.


Vanessa's main focus is the English language and logistics.
Since 2007, Vanessa has worked with companies such as VW, Siemens, Bosch, The Navigator Company, among others.