The Lobraco service team

Resilience for managers - mastering and shaping difficult situations

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+49 2606 963 39 - 0

Resilience generally describes the inner strength that enables people to survive crisis situations in life that are accompanied by considerable stress and high levels of strain, in a healthy state of mind and body.

Resilience in the broader sense also means not only surviving crises, but growing from them and thereby becoming stronger; being more likely to accept a positive course of events in difficult and unclear situations and believing that one can bring about something for the better oneself.

Thus, resilient people are better able to deal with problematic situations, act (pro)actively instead of resigning ‐ they are self-effective to a high degree. They are convinced that they can make a difference, remain shapers of reality and find creative and constructive ways to deal with difficult situations.

Leaders in particular are under considerable pressure in the current situation ‐ on the one hand they have to master their individual personal situations, on the other hand they have to live up to their leadership role right now - in a difficult environment ‐ keep calm and come up with solutions. A masterpiece.

Learning objectives

Insight into the topic of resilience
Increase self-efficacy
Constructive approaches to dealing with current stressors
Learning mental strength from top athletes


- What is resilience?
- Resilience research
- Dealing with change (Kübler-Ross cycle)
- Understanding employees
- Pillars of resilience
- Strengthening resilience ‐ individually and employee-related
- From problem to constructive solution

Seminar format

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The Lobraco service team

Resilience for managers - mastering and shaping difficult situations

We are looking forward to your inquiry.

+49 2606 963 39 - 0

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