The Lobraco service team

Complaint management as an opportunity to optimize processes

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+49 2606 963 39 - 0

Customer orientation would be easy if it weren't for the practical cases!

Day-to-day business sometimes throws us off balance and statements are made that really have nothing to do with CUSTOMER ORIENTATION: "We don't have a vehicle for you; you'll have to get in touch later; I can't help you because...!

This seminar is a PRACTICAL seminar! Business cases are used to find solutions that can be immediately implemented in day-to-day business.

How did the complaint come about, what was the cause? What can we learn from this, where can we achieve optimizations that benefit all sides?

We are working hard on customer-oriented solutions - accompanied by modern communication techniques, but also by tried and tested approaches.

"A company that is fully dedicated to service has only one concern when it comes to profits. They are embarrassingly large."
Henry Ford

Learning objectives

Use customer orientation, especially in the case of complaints, to develop sustainable resilient behavior and to rethink and redefine processes.
Sharpening the customer focus - what is the customer's problem - what complaint management is required?


Work on business cases with the following questions:
What do you observe in the individual cases?
- Interpersonal
- Professional
- Internal
What costs are incurred as a result of the deviations?
What does that do to the customer?
How does the sales department feel, how is it received by the customer?
What are the options for optimization?
What tools can we use?
What is the output?
What information is important?

Seminar format

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The Lobraco service team

Complaint management as an opportunity to optimize processes

We are looking forward to your inquiry.

+49 2606 963 39 - 0

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