Nicole Seichter


Trainer profile

Strengths-based team and management development, eco-system in the company

Professional career

Nicole Seichter earned her degree in business administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Würzburg/Schweinfurt and then gained 10 years of professional experience as a management assistant in several companies in the Rhine-Main region. The often non-existent corporate culture in the
The often non-existent corporate culture in companies has been the impulse for Nicole since 2007 to set impulses as a coach and trainer in companies, to develop sustainable workplaces with a strong self-perception, a lived leadership culture and appreciation, in which employees want to and can give their best. After 5 years working in the USA, during which she published the book "ENJOY- Stärkenorientiert Stress und Burnout vermeiden", Nicole returned to Germany in 2018 as a certified Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach - and has been using this tool consistently in her work with teams, managers and employees ever since. Her knowledge of strengths-based development is an integral part of various programs for team building workshops, executive coaching and general consulting for a healthy ecosystem in companies. Nicole Seichter is also certified to conduct courses for mindfulness-based stress reduction according to Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Trainer, Consultant & Coach

Many years of experience in leading seminars, training courses, interactive online sessions and workshops and in executive coaching.
Certified MBSR teacher according to Jon Kabat-Zinn
Focuses on management, team development and high-performance teams.
Her working languages are German and English and she works both virtually, hybrid and on-site with clients.
Nicole Seichter is a multi-certified trainer and is an active member of the ICF International Coaching Federation (PCC).