Sven Dinklage

Sven Dinklage
Führungskräfteentwicklung und interkulturelles Management
Beruflicher Werdegang
Sven Dinklage erwarb sein Vordiplom der Betriebswirtschaft an der Uni Würzburg und ”European Master of Management” der ESCP Europe (Paris), dann sammelte er 10 Jahre Berufserfahrung in einem deutschen Konzern und ist seit 2007 selbständig im Bereich Führungskräfteentwicklung und Executive Coaching.
Der aus Deutschland stammende Sven Dinklage lebte in den USA, England, Spanien und Frankreich, bevor er sich 1998 in Brasilien niederließ. Seine Erfahrungen aus dem Leben und Arbeiten rund um den Globus ermöglichten es ihm, interkulturelle Kommunikations- und Geschäftsfähigkeiten zu entwickeln, die für seinen Erfolg als Executive Coach, Moderator und Berater entscheidend waren.
Seine Arbeitssprachen sind deutsch, englisch und portugiesisch.
Sven Dinklage ist zertifizierter Trainer, verfügt über diverse Ausbildungen als Executive Coach (Instituto EcoSocial (2012), Instituto AndaraLuz (2018) und Clifton/Gallup Strengths Finder (2018)) und ist aktives Mitglied der ICF-International Coaching Federation (ACC).
Langjährige Erfahrung mit interkulturellen Trainings, der Begleitung von Expatriates in ihrem neuen kulturellen Wirkungskreis und Executive Coaching.
Führungskräfteentwicklung mit verschiedenen Schwerpunkten. Trainer in interaktiven online- und Präsenz-Seminaren.
Trainings und Berater bei Team Building Workshops. Unterstützung von Menschen bei der persönlichen und beruflichen Weiterentwicklung, Karriereplanung und organisatorischen Herausforderungen, Vermittlung zwischen verschiedenen Kulturen mit Fokus auf Deutschland- Brasilien.
Coaching and Consulting Experience
For nearly 15 years, Sven Dinklage has worked as an international coach, facilitator and consultant. He specializes in working with clients who face international and cross-cultural challenges in their professional missions. Sven is a trusted coach by both senior executives and expatriates, and his clients include BMW, Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH, Clariant, Tupy S.A., Voith Group of Companies, Whirlpool and ZF-Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen.
Due to his international profile, Sven routinely considers cross-cultural aspects in his coaching and consulting work. He conducts his coaching processes in his three working languages: English, German and Portuguese, and utilizes face-to-face, virtually and/or blended formats.
Sven has coached hundreds of international and Brazilian senior executives through coach facilitation, consulting, management development workshops, cross-cultural trainings and team building events. He has helped leaders take on global, complex roles and embrace the beliefs that (1) diversity is good, (2) all people are unique, (3) mental models and behavior can be changed and (4) the world can be a place based on trust, win-win thinking and information sharing. Sven’s training experience includes programs like employee engagement, motivation & communication, decision making, effective presentations, establishing highly effective teams and leading virtual teams.
Business and Career Background
Originally from Germany, Sven lived in the USA, England, Spain and France prior to settling in Brazil in 1998. His experience living and working around the globe allowed him to cultivate cross-cultural communication and business skills that have been critical to his success as an executive coach, facilitator and consultant.
Previously, Sven worked at The Robert Bosch Corporation in Brazil, where he analyzed market intelligence and managed projects for multiple organizational functions, including marketing, sales and strategic planning. Amongst others, he was responsible for the implementation of a shared services center of the Bosch Group in Latin America. His work also included acquiring new projects for the Bosch plant in Argentina.
Since 2005, Sven has operated his own coaching and consulting business, where he helps others to achieve personal and professional objectives, while living a fulfilled and balanced life. In addition to his own business, he facilitates and coaches for global vendors such as Coach Hub, FranklinCovey and Talent at Work.
Education and Certifications
Sven earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Würzburg, Germany, and a European master of management degree from ESCP Europe.Sven received his executive coaching education from the Instituto EcoSocial (2012), Instituto AndaraLuz (2018) and Clifton/Gallup Strengths Finder (2018). He is an Associated Certified Coach (ACC) through the ICF-International Coaching Federation. Sven also holds certifications for DISC, Global Leadership Assessment by (Aperian Global) and as Virtual Facilitator (by Virtual Gurus).